Where Was I Going With That?

What is this Strange Place?

Tagged: post, links

This is going to be a four-linker.

I lied, added that last one after all the others.

There are times[1] that I really have nothing to say about the things that I post. It’s sometimes that I think the piece speaks for itself and/or it aligns with my own views so well that anything I would say would be redundant. In other instances, the lack of a satisfying onomatopoeia for screaming makes it impossible for me to say anything.

  1. It’s most of the time to be honest. ↩︎

  2. Somewhat confident feels like overstatement. ↩︎

  3. But what do I really know. What happens between now and the time where people look back at this time is fundamentally unknowable, which is always true, but seems more true now than at any other point in modern history. So, like something completely random and overlooked from this time period could turn out to be the more definitive or the definitive piece hasn’t been written yet or life on earth will have ended.

    I guess somewhat confident may indeed have been a bit of an overstatement. ↩︎

  4. After more than a year without one of these, I imagine this feels like a bit of a let down. And yeah, it feels that way to me as well. ↩︎