Where Was I Going With That?

No writing really.

Tagged: post, links

There are so many phrases and words that I’d like to work into my day-to-day, but just the thought of saying them aloud, like to another human being, seems so unnatural. For instance, I’d like to use the word “perforce” more in conversation. It’s a word that just sounds nice, and I always feel like it’ll be so much more applicable than it ever is.

“Good looking out,” to showcase another example, is great, but always feels so out of place w.r.t. my normal speaking patterns.

The Judge's Code Permalink The Big Hack Permalink Drawings From Prison Permalink Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Permalink Personal Statement of a CIA Analyst Permalink

It was weird to see this so close (temporally) to Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony,[1] but it’s not related at all really to that.

  1. Man, that was like a week ago (as of this writing), but it feels like it’s been several millennia since then. ↩︎