Where Was I Going With That?

The Film Crit Hulk Post.

Tagged: post, links

There are so many articles that I could link here.[1] Like the at least three articles that Hulk has written on Speed Racer, or the fascinating Wakaliwood piece, or the Nightcrawler article on character arcs, or the Jonathan Gold eulogy; I really could go on and on.[2] Because of the surfeit of candidates, I decided to ignore my unwritten/unspoken/unnecessary rule of five and this post includes six links.

Anyways, Hulk excels at articulating things that I feel intuitively, but are stuck in the primordial soup of my brain, unable to make that final step towards life. He, not to put too fine or dramatic a point on it, is like the lightning that finally woke up the oozing puddle of proteins that finally became the first life.

Anthony Bourdain, Suicide, and Grace Permalink On Criticism in the Intersectional Age Permalink

The oppressors[3] are the only group in an oppressive system with the actual capacity to effect change; slaves could not emancipate themselves and women could not grant suffrage to themselves. But in order for change to be effected, those who benefit from the system, who are often blind to its (the system’s) existence, must take care to heed the outcry, to accept that their reality is not universal.

Hannah Gadsby Rejects the Premise Permalink

It took me a while to actually watch Nanette, I knew that it got pretty real at some point, but I didn’t know that it was going to be so cutting.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Female Filmmaking Permalink

I mentioned this article in a previous post, but it’s so gosh dang good that I couldn’t resist linking it here. I mean, it starts with an incredible point regarding the misguided “logic” with which so many people analyze movies. And it just gets better from there.

The Beautiful, Ugly, and Possessive Hearts of Star Wars Fans Permalink

Articulated in this article are, inter alia, the feelings that I have regarding things[4] that I have liked by myself in the past, but are now generally accepted and lauded. Obviously, the “thing” in this instance is Star Wars and its legion of entitled, maladjusted, incel-lite,[5] man-baby fanboys[6].

The Revenant, Mad Max, and the Nexus of Cinematic Language Permalink
  1. And desperately want to, but for the sake of the readers, and my own, I will desist. ↩︎

  2. Linking all those feels vaguely like cheating. ↩︎

  3. By which I mean white people and males, who are, if not actively oppressing, at least the beneficiaries of an oppresive system. ↩︎

  4. Films, video games, TV shows, media generally. ↩︎

  5. If you don’t know what an incel is, first off, lucky you, and to get up to speed on what that means, read this Vox article and/or watch this YouTube video, and prepare to be horrified and disgusted. ↩︎

  6. This might be a tad harsh, but a lot of their commentary and criticisms of The Last Jedi sounds disturbingly close to what incels say about the world generally. ↩︎